Government to Prosecute Non-Performing Contractors, Warns Attorney General
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Government to Prosecute Non-Performing Contractors, Warns Attorney General

Attorney General Anil Nandlall has announced the government’s resolve to pursue legal action against contractors who fail to meet their contractual obligations, citing the detrimental impact such non-performance has on the nation’s infrastructural development.

In response to mounting complaints from residents regarding stalled or subpar projects, the government is taking a decisive stance to ensure accountability.

“We cannot continue to have contractors not discharging their contractual obligations in accordance with the contractual specifications. The government will not tolerate sub-standard work and breach of contracts from contractors,” asserted Hon. Anil Nandlall, Attorney General & Minister of Legal Affairs.

Efforts are underway to identify contractors falling short of their commitments, with the Ministry of Finance conducting a comprehensive audit of stalled public works projects across the country.

Once identified, Nandlall emphasized that delinquent contractors will face stern action. “The AG has received firm instructions to notify the delinquent contractors and demand liquidated damages and to sue for breach of contracts,” he declared.

Nandlall assured that contractors who diligently fulfill their responsibilities have nothing to fear, while those who neglect their duties will face legal consequences. Additionally, he cautioned reckless drivers, highlighting the government’s commitment to seek compensation for damages incurred at the Eccles roundabout.

The government’s resolute stance on contractual accountability signifies a commitment to uphold standards of excellence and efficiency in infrastructural development.