
Government Initiates Review of Vehicle Weight Limits to Curb Road Damage

Hon. Juan Edghill Minister of Public Works (Photo: Department of Public Information)

The Guyanese government has commenced the process of reviewing weight restriction laws for vehicles, with the aim of curbing the severe damage caused by overloaded heavy vehicles to local thoroughfares across the country.

Minister of Public Works Juan Edghill addressed the Committee of Supply in the National Assembly, highlighting the ongoing issue of axle loads exceeding legal limits, leading to damage to road and pavement structures.

Minister Edghill expressed concern about trucks entering communities and causing significant damage to road shoulders.

To address this issue, a firm is currently reviewing weight restriction laws, and stricter fines for violations are under consideration.

Minister Edghill acknowledged that addressing this nationwide problem would require more than legal measures alone.

The government’s proactive stance on reviewing and potentially revising weight limits for vehicles underscores its commitment to maintaining and improving the country’s infrastructure while holding accountable those contributing to road damage through overloading.

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