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Government Engages Block 22 and Surrounding Communities

Gov’t engages residents, farmers (Hon. Kwame Mc Coy, Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister)

Residents of Block 22 and neighboring communities had the opportunity to voice their concerns and issues to government ministers over the weekend.

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, and Minister within the Office of the Prime Minister, Kwame McCoy, met with residents to share the government’s development plans and address their concerns.

Minister McCoy emphasized the government’s commitment to engaging citizens to ensure that planned developmental projects align with their best interests.

Residents raised concerns about access to potable water and the need for the development of community grounds.

Farmers also discussed the need for support to scale up production.

Minister Manickchand assured the gathering that efforts will be made to address all the issues raised.

She also committed to assisting the family of 1-year-old Aziza Alberts, who tragically passed away after sustaining severe burns in a house fire.

[Reported by Shawnette Fiedtkou]

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