Business and Economy News

GNBS Training Empowers Local Businesses for ISO Certification

Guyana National Bureau of Standard’s Sensitization workshop on Quality Management Systems in collaboration with CROSQ (Photo: Guyana National Bureau of Standards via Facebook)

By Josiah Williams

Twenty local companies are embarking on a journey towards international certification through a quality management system training facilitated by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS).

The GNBS has initiated a comprehensive 5-day training program aimed at equipping local businesses with the knowledge and tools necessary to understand the benefits of international certification, particularly focusing on the ISO 9001 Standard.

Breana Wilson, Acting Head of Business Development at GNBS, emphasized the workshop’s role in guiding companies through the complexities of quality management systems.

Wilson reminded participants that certification marks the beginning of a commitment to maintaining quality products and services, emphasizing the ongoing responsibility businesses have in upholding standards.

Stephen Farquharso, Technical Officer at the CARICOM Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ), outlined the benefits that companies stand to gain from successfully implementing quality management systems.

These benefits include consumer protection, improved health and safety standards, innovation, and enhanced competitiveness in the market.

Sheryl Anderson, CEO of Quality Systems Solutions & Initiatives (QSSI), commended the GNBS for its efforts in raising and enforcing standards and certifying companies in Guyana.

She highlighted the significance of such initiatives in ensuring that local businesses remain competitive and meet international benchmarks.

The training initiative is part of the EU’s 4.5 million Euros European Development Fund Economic Partnership Agreement Programme, running from 2019 to 2024.

Implemented by CROSQ, this program aims to enhance the capacity of businesses across the region.

Guyana is the sixth of eight countries benefiting from this training.

As local businesses undergo this rigorous training, they are poised to enhance their operations, improve their product and service quality, and ultimately achieve international certification, positioning themselves for greater success in the global market.

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