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GMR&SC President Outlines Vision for 2024 Season After Successful Caribbean Clash of Champions Event

GMR&SC to build on 2023 season

Following the resounding success of the Guyana Motor Racing and Sports Club’s (GMR&SC) Caribbean Clash of Champions motor racing event last Sunday, club president Mahendra Boodhoo expressed optimism about the future of motor racing in Guyana.

Boodhoo highlighted that the event served as a template for the direction the sport is heading.

Boodhoo, speaking about the accomplishments of the 2023 season, emphasized the valuable lessons learned throughout the year.

He shared insights into the club’s vision for the upcoming 2024 season, expressing a commitment to delivering an even more successful year of racing and sports entertainment.

Acknowledging the success of hosting events like the Caribbean Clash of Champions, Boodhoo noted that the positive outcomes have expedited plans for enhancing the racing facility.

The president outlined that the accelerated improvements align with the club’s goals for providing an exceptional experience for participants and spectators alike.

In recognition of the achievements of top drivers and riders across different classes, rewards were presented at a ceremony on Monday night.

The event served not only as a celebration of individual accomplishments but also as a reflection of the collective success of the GMR&SC throughout the 2023 season.

As the club looks ahead to 2024, the commitment to building on the successes of the past season and further elevating the sport of motor racing in Guyana remains at the forefront of their vision.

Reported by Eric Collymore for NCN News

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