Fisheries Sector Achieves Highest Production in Five Years
Local Development News

Fisheries Sector Achieves Highest Production in Five Years

The Fisheries industry in Guyana has recorded its highest marine production in the last five years, according to Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha.

This positive development was highlighted during the Ministry’s end-of-year press conference, where Minister Mustapha discussed the significant improvements in the industry.

In 2021, the fisheries sector faced challenges with severely low catches, impacting the livelihoods of fisherfolk and overall industry production.

In response, the government implemented various measures, including grants, consultations, and new interventions, to support and enhance production.

As a result of these efforts, Minister Mustapha reported substantial increases in the industry’s production in the current year.

The government’s commitment to providing necessary resources has played a crucial role in revitalizing the fisheries sector.

To further boost production and monitor activities in the Atlantic Ocean, the Ministry of Agriculture has procured tracking devices for deployment on private boats conducting patrols.

In addition to traditional fishing, significant strides have been made in advancing the aquaculture industry.

Initiatives such as the expanding brackish water shrimp project, cage culture, and prawn production have contributed to the diversification of the sector.

Regulatory changes are also underway, with amendments to the Fisheries Act of 2002 and the Aquaculture Framework Bill.

These changes aim to address issues related to illegal fishing and overfishing through a co-management plan, involving collaboration between the fisheries sector and the Solid Waste Management (SWM) program.

Minister Mustapha expressed optimism about the continued growth of the fisheries industry, emphasizing the importance of sustainable practices and regulatory measures to ensure its long-term success.