Human Development News

Farmers Receive Training on Multi-Purpose Tractor Operation in West Coast Demerara

The Guyana Rice Development Board organized a training session for farmers in Tushen, West Coast Demerara, focused on the operation of a versatile multi-purpose tractor.

Rice stands as Guyana’s leading agricultural export, contributing approximately 743 million US dollars from 2020 to the present.

Recognizing its significance, continuous advancements in agronomic practices are underway to further bolster the rice industry and diversify the agriculture sector.

During the training, farmers were equipped with the skills to efficiently operate the multi-purpose tractor, capable of tasks such as sowing, applying fertilizers, and pesticide distribution.

K. Mangal Singh, one of the beneficiaries, expressed his appreciation for the initiative, emphasizing the potential impact of such equipment on the industry’s progress.

He also advocated for similar resources to be made available to small-scale farmers, citing the convenience and benefits they could derive from such machinery.

Anticipating a substantial surge, rice production is projected to increase by 79 percent, equivalent to a million metric tonnes, by 2025.

Reported by Saskia Warrick for NCN News

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