Local Development News One Guyana

Ethnic Relations Commission Engages Linden Community

The Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) conducted its inaugural community outreach in Linden, Region 10, since its reconstitution.

Despite a low turnout, the event proceeded as planned, with Chief Executive Officer Gomin Camacho and five commissioners engaging residents at the Watooka Guest House.

Camacho reiterated the ERC’s mission to foster harmony and positive relations among Guyana’s six ethnic groups and various religious communities.

He highlighted the commission’s intention to employ education and mediation to address racial tensions.

Chairman Shaikh Moeen-ul-Hack emphasized the ERC’s apolitical nature and its reliance on public participation to fulfill its mandate.

During their visit to Linden, the ERC also held educational sessions at local schools and engaged with the Regional Democratic Council and the Linden Mayor and Town Council.

The ERC’s next community outreach will take place in Region 2 at the Cottonfield Secondary School on Saturday.

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