
Enhancing Road Safety Awareness Along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway

Recent discussions on the “Police and You” program have highlighted critical concerns regarding road safety along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.

Sergeant Ueon Rose, overseeing the Highway Patrol Base, emphasized the reckless driving habits observed among motorists, particularly those speeding without regard for consequences.

Sergeant Rose pointed out instances where drivers push their limits to meet deadlines, disregarding fatigue and safety protocols.

He encouraged drivers to prioritize breaks when feeling tired, utilizing available parking spaces to ensure safety for themselves and others on the road.

Moreover, Sergeant Rose highlighted challenges posed by operators of heavy-duty machinery, such as excavators, improperly using the highway.

He emphasized the need for common sense and responsible behavior, urging operators to consider the safety of all road users.

Despite ongoing challenges, efforts by the Guyana Police Force, the National Road Safety Council, and private sector stakeholders continue to bolster road safety initiatives.

These include educational campaigns in schools, leveraging social media for awareness, and conducting training seminars aimed at fostering safer road behaviors.

These proactive measures underscore a collaborative approach to addressing road safety issues and promoting responsible driving habits along the Soesdyke/Linden Highway.

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