Empowering Region 10 with Opportunities for Growth
Business and Economy News One Guyana

Empowering Region 10 with Opportunities for Growth

The Centre for Local Business Development has launched an outreach program aimed at acquainting the residents of Region 10 with a spectrum of opportunities across the country.

The inaugural session was held at the Linden Enterprise Network Conference Room, marking the commencement of a series of five such events.

Director Natasha Gaskin Peters outlined the program’s objectives, emphasizing its role in enhancing business capabilities and educating individuals on how to tap into job prospects. Peters underscored that the initiative encompasses diverse sectors, ranging from procurement in the oil and gas industry to opportunities in the public sector.

In addition to business owners, participants were furnished with guidance on positioning themselves for potential job openings.

The outreach program extended its reach to communities including One Mile, Amelia’s Ward, and Watooka.

Attendees also had the opportunity to partake in core awareness training, covering subjects like an introduction to oil and gas, health, safety, security, and the environment, as well as procurement.

Egbert Blair, the proprietor of E Blair General Construction Inc., shared his motivation for participating, stating, “I wanted to be here because I wanted to elevate my company, to raise its profile.”

Kerryann Johnson, another participant, underscored the significance of such initiatives.

A similar outreach program is in the pipeline for Berbice, Region Six.