
Eccles/Mandela Roundabout Accident: Three Injured, Speed and Alcohol Suspected Factors

Car slams into Round-about fountain

A harrowing accident took place on Friday night at the recently inaugurated Eccles/Mandela Roundabout, leaving three individuals injured. The car, in a dramatic turn of events, collided with one of the fountains at the roundabout. Fortunately, the area was devoid of pedestrians at the precise moment of impact.

The incident unfolded around 9:40 pm, when a 27-year-old man, employed at the University of Guyana, was at the wheel of the vehicle. Remarkably, the car narrowly missed a parked police vehicle, where traffic officers were stationed to manage the flow of vehicles.

Emergency response teams, both from the police force and citizens nearby, swiftly extracted the injured parties from the wreckage. They were subsequently transported to the hospital via dispatched ambulances.

According to law enforcement at the scene, the vehicle, presumably due to excessive speed and the presence of alcohol within it, careened past them before colliding with the fountain. This collision led to oil from the car contaminating the water in the fountain.

Following the accident, the vehicle had to be towed away and has been impounded at the Diamond Police Station. On a positive note, the original project contractors promptly initiated repairs on the damaged fountain and undertook the task of cleansing the promenade from the leaked oils and fuel.

Leeron Brumell, reporting for NCN News

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