Human Development News One Guyana

Determination Prevails: Sir Gidami Institution Students Triumph in CXC Exams Despite Challenges

A group of determined students from the Sir Gidami Institution in Georgetown and Region 3 emerged victorious in the recent Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) exams. These young women overcame numerous obstacles on their path to academic excellence and shared their inspirational stories with NCN News.

Preparing for the highly anticipated CXC exams is a daunting task for any student, but these teenagers faced exceptional challenges along the way. Despite the setbacks, they displayed unwavering determination and resilience to achieve their goal of leaving school with outstanding grades.

In interviews with NCN News, students from the Sir Gidami Institution discussed the challenges they confronted and how they overcame them.

Apriel Das, a student at Sir Gidami Institution, explained the juggling act of balancing lessons, school, and family responsibilities. She mentioned, “From lessons and school because the passage and my parents because we had a lot of stuff and my mom she was not here, so I had to take care of my siblings.”

Jada Miller shared her positive mindset and determination, stating, “I always tried to keep a positive mind, and one thing that helped me to push through this entire process is that it’s going to be finished soon, and if I work hard right now, I will get the grades that I want.”

Rennae Dey, another student, admitted to moments of self-doubt but persevered, saying, “It was frustrating, especially how I had no confidence because I thought that I was not going to make it. However, I managed to do it, and I am really happy.”

Deviannie revealed the demanding schedule she maintained, with morning classes starting at 4 AM, followed by daytime school and evening sessions with her teacher. Despite the challenges, she expressed her pride in her achievements, saying, “I feel proud and excited to show persons that I am a 14-year-old girl and I have accomplished a lot of things so far.”

Meanwhile, the founder of Sir Gidami Institution, **Giddel Thompson**, expressed his joy and satisfaction with the students’ results. Thompson described this class as one of the most successful he has ever had, with students earning excellent grades in all their subjects.

Sir Gidami Institution, with 13 years of experience in the educational field, has nurtured these young talents to overcome adversities and excel academically. Their remarkable journey serves as an inspiration to all, highlighting the power of determination and resilience in the pursuit of educational excellence.

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