Local Development News

Continued Vending on Kitty Seawall, With Conditions

Public Works Minister Juan Edghill assured vendors along the Kitty Seawall that those who have received permission from the Sea and River Defence Board will be allowed to continue vending.

However, Minister Edghill emphasized the importance of adhering to permit guidelines.

During a meeting with vendors along the Kitty Seawall Corridor, Minister Edghill clarified that the continuation of vending for permit holders would be enforced in a regularized manner.

He emphasized that the issuance of letters to illegal vendors and those breaching their permits was not a sudden decision but part of an ongoing effort.

Minister Edghill pointed out instances where vendors had exceeded the conditions outlined in their permits, such as constructing permanent structures or placing containers on bases.

He stressed the need for orderliness and urged vendors to adhere to permit regulations.

Additionally, the minister reiterated the clauses of the vending permit to the business owners present.

These conditions include restrictions on permanent structures, limited vending space, distance requirements from the edge of the road, and the responsibility to clean up after every vending session.

So far, the only vendors removed were those found vending between the Kitty Roundabout and the 1823 Monument.

As discussions continue regarding vending along the Kitty Seawall, Minister Edghill’s assurance provides clarity for vendors, emphasizing the importance of compliance with permit guidelines.

Reporting for NCN News, Delicia Janneire

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