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Committee Approves 9 Billion for Indigenous Development in Guyana

Hon. Pauline Sukhai Minister of Amerindian Affairs (Right) and team at consideration of estimates & expenditure, day 1 for budget 2024 (Photo: Department of Public Information)

In a significant development, the Committee of Supply of the National Assembly has approved the 9 billion dollars allocated for the development of indigenous communities, as presented during the January 15 budget presentation.

This substantial funding underscores the government’s commitment to supporting the growth and progress of indigenous people in Guyana.

Of the approved funds, a substantial amount, totaling around 80 million dollars, will be allocated to address the revision of the 2006 Amerindian Act.

This move is aimed at modernizing and enhancing the legal framework governing Amerindian affairs.

During deliberations, Opposition Member of Parliament Ronald Cox and Minister Pauline Sukhai discussed the time frame for the anticipated work plans.

Minister Sukhai clarified that while there is an expectation to work until the passage of the budget, the revision of the Amerindian Act is not anticipated to take as long as the initial drafting, which spanned close to 3-4 years.

The focus on village sustainability plans is evident through the Amerindian Development Fund.

Minister Sukhai shared that 242 villages and communities across Guyana have submitted sustainable plans, with many villages presenting plans spanning 5 to 10 years.

This highlights a proactive approach to ensuring the long-term well-being and self-sufficiency of indigenous communities.

The approved 9 billion dollars will be instrumental in executing various initiatives, including training programs, infrastructural development, tourism projects, and agricultural ventures.

These projects aim to foster holistic development, economic empowerment, and cultural preservation within indigenous communities.

This move reflects the government’s dedication to inclusive development, recognizing the unique needs and contributions of indigenous populations in Guyana.

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