Human Development News Technology

Collaboration Between GCOPD and LDS Church Aims to Support Persons with Disabilities

Programme manager Ganesh Singh, Guyana Council of Organisations for Persons with Disabilities (file photo)

By Fabiana Mcklmon

A new initiative has been launched in Guyana to provide support and assistance to individuals with disabilities.

Spearheaded by the Guyana Council of Organisations for Persons with Disabilities (GCOPD) and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), this collaborative effort aims to empower and enhance the lives of those facing visual impairments and other disabilities.

The project focuses primarily on aiding blind and visually impaired individuals participating in GCOPD’s orientation and mobility training program.

Through this initiative, essential aids such as signature guides, talking watches, liquid level indicators, and other assistive devices will be provided to improve their independence and productivity.

Ganesh Singh, Programme Manager at GCOPD, emphasized the significant impact this project will have on each beneficiary, acknowledging the financial challenges many individuals with disabilities face in accessing such aids.

The initiative seeks to address these barriers and ensure that all individuals have equal opportunities to thrive.

Diane Sellers, a Humanitarian Missionary from the LDS Church, expressed optimism about the project’s potential impact, stressing the importance of monitoring its outcomes to ensure long-term success.

Additionally, support will be extended to young people with disabilities in educational institutions, with donations of tablets and computers accompanied by training sessions to effectively utilize assistive devices.

The collaboration between GCOPD and the LDS Church reflects a commitment to inclusivity and support for individuals with disabilities in Guyana.

It is anticipated that this initiative will make a significant difference in the lives of those it serves, fostering independence, empowerment, and opportunities for all.

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