CH&PA Enhances Projects Department for Improved Oversight
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CH&PA Enhances Projects Department for Improved Oversight

The Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA) in Guyana is fortifying its Projects Department to manage an increased workload and ensure meticulous oversight of ongoing housing projects.

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, announced the implementation of specialized roles, including “clerks of works,” to enhance project monitoring.

These newly introduced personnel will play a crucial role in monitoring projects, focusing on precision and vigilance throughout the project lifecycle to maintain high-quality standards.

Minister Croal emphasized the necessity of reinforcing the projects department due to the growing number of projects, requiring increased staffing and enhanced monitoring capabilities.

In addressing challenges faced by contractors involved in housing projects, Minister Croal acknowledged concerns about the viability of costs and a labor shortage in the country.

Contractors have expressed difficulties, citing minimal costs for houses at respective levels and labor shortages as significant issues.

Minister Croal stressed the importance of collaborative efforts to address these challenges, emphasizing a collective approach involving stakeholders and relevant authorities.

The Ministry remains committed to upholding the highest standards in project execution and continuous quality control.