CARICOM, OAS, and Commonwealth Rally Behind ICJ Ruling on Essequibo Annexation Threat
National Transformation News Politics

CARICOM, OAS, and Commonwealth Rally Behind ICJ Ruling on Essequibo Annexation Threat

In a unified stance, several major regional and international organizations have endorsed the ruling of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in response to the Government of Guyana’s request for provisional measures to prevent any actions by Venezuela that could lead to the annexation of the Essequibo.

CARICOM Stands Firm: The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has reiterated its unwavering support for Guyana’s territorial integrity and its commitment to resolving the longstanding border dispute with Venezuela through the ICJ. In a statement issued by the 15-member regional bloc, CARICOM expects Venezuela to uphold the ICJ’s Order of December 1. The statement insists that Venezuela complies with international law, the Charter of the United Nations, and calls on it to refrain from any actions in violation of these principles. CARICOM emphasizes that the ICJ’s order makes it clear that holding a national referendum does not exempt a state from its obligation to comply with international law.

Commonwealth Stands by Guyana: Commonwealth Secretary-General Patricia Scotland expresses the Commonwealth’s full support for Guyana, emphasizing the organization’s concern over Venezuela’s planned referendum challenging the ICJ’s jurisdiction and proposing the formal annexation of the Essequibo territory. The Commonwealth stresses the need for faith in due process, respect for national territorial sovereignty, international law, global order, and peace and security. The organization calls on all UN members to encourage the parties to respect the ICJ’s decisions and provisional measures.

OAS Backs ICJ’s Ruling: The Organisation of American States (OAS) joins the chorus of support for the ICJ’s ruling, emphasizing its binding nature that must be respected. OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro asserts that the decision is fundamental, requesting Venezuela to refrain from any provocative, warlike, and illegal action that violates the established limits of the territory over which Guyana exercises jurisdiction.

This collective endorsement by CARICOM, the Commonwealth, and the OAS reinforces the international community’s commitment to upholding the rule of law and respecting the decisions of the ICJ in the matter concerning the Essequibo.