National Transformation News Politics

Brazilian President Lula Praised for Peace Efforts

President of Brazil, His Excellency Lula da Silva (Photo: Office of the President)

During a joint press conference today, Chairman of CARICOM and President of Guyana, Dr. Irfaan Ali, commended Brazilian President Lula da Silva for his significant role in promoting peace and security in the region.

President Ali expressed gratitude to Brazil, particularly President Lula da Silva, for their instrumental role in de-escalating tensions between Guyana and Venezuela over the Essequibo region.

He lauded President Lula’s exceptional leadership in facilitating dialogue between the two countries, which has contributed to a peaceful resolution of disputes.

Brazil’s involvement in mediating talks between President Ali and Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro was highlighted, with Special Adviser and Personal Envoy of President Lula, Celso Amorim, playing a crucial role in the mediation process.

The December 2023 meeting, facilitated by CARICOM, resulted in both Guyana and Venezuela agreeing not to resort to the use of force against each other, culminating in the issuance of a joint Declaration of Argyle.

President Lula da Silva reaffirmed Brazil’s commitment to advocating for peace and security not only in Latin America and the Caribbean but also globally.

He cited ongoing conflicts in the Middle East and Gaza as examples of the detrimental impact of wars on developing countries and their populations.

Brazil’s membership in the Group of Friends of Sustaining Peace at the United Nations General Assembly underscores its dedication to addressing issues related to lasting peace.

Furthermore, President Lula emphasized Brazil’s continued commitment to actively facilitating dialogue between Guyana and Venezuela to maintain regional stability and peace.

The commendation of President Lula da Silva for his peace efforts underscores the importance of international cooperation in resolving conflicts and promoting stability in the region.

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