BOSAI Employees Undergo OSH Training Following Hercules Investigation
Human Development News

BOSAI Employees Undergo OSH Training Following Hercules Investigation

Sixteen employees, both management and non-management, of BOSAI Minerals Group Guyana Inc. have successfully completed a three-day health and safety workshop, culminating in the issuance of certificates.

This training initiative was implemented as part of the recommendations following the tragic passing of Bulldozer operator Neptrid Hercules.

Truedel Marks, Senior Personnel Officer, emphasized BOSAI’s unwavering commitment to the well-being of its employees and the Linden community, despite the challenges they may face.

In line with the investigation’s recommendations after the unfortunate incident, the company has initiated the process of revitalizing the Health and Safety Committee.

Additionally, BOSAI has engaged the services of Environmental Consultant Inc. to develop an Environmental Management Plan, which will be fully implemented upon its completion.

Marks further highlighted some of the specific recommendations that have been put into effect, such as strategically placing lights around the dumpsite to enhance visibility.

The Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) training program was a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Labour’s Occupational Safety and Health Consultant, Gwenette King, and the National Insurance Scheme.

King outlined the program’s objectives and underscored the importance of ensuring safety in the workplace.

In response to the training initiative, Labour Minister Joseph Hamilton stressed the significance of ongoing training to guarantee the safety of workers. He urged labour unions to extend their focus beyond financial matters and include clauses for occupational safety and health in their agendas. By incorporating such provisions, the welfare and protection of employees can be further safeguarded.