Berbice Boxers Set to Compete in Caribbean Boxing Championship

Berbice Boxers Set to Compete in Caribbean Boxing Championship

By Royan Abrams

Three of Berbice’s top young boxers are preparing to represent their region at the upcoming Caribbean Boxing Championship, scheduled to take place in Georgetown from August 16 to 18.

The New Amsterdam Boxing Academy, supported by the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) New Amsterdam cluster, has played a crucial role in developing these athletes.

The academy has produced several promising boxers, three of whom have been selected to compete in the junior, youth, and schoolboy categories at the championship.

Recently, the team and their coach, Jeff Roberts, visited the Office of the Regional Vice Chairman, Zamal Hussain, and PPP/C New Amsterdam Cluster representative, Carol Trim-Bagot.

They expressed their gratitude for the support received and discussed their preparations for the competition.