Barbados Prime Minister Emphasizes Sports Development Partnerships between Africa and the Caribbean

Barbados Prime Minister Emphasizes Sports Development Partnerships between Africa and the Caribbean

Barbados Prime Minister Mia Mottley has highlighted the importance of partnerships between African nations and the Caribbean in the realm of sports development.

Speaking at the AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment forum held at the Marriot Hotel in Georgetown, Prime Minister Mottley stressed the need for collaborative efforts to advance sporting opportunities across the regions.

During her address, Prime Minister Mottley urged for the exchange of knowledge and expertise in cricket between the Caribbean and African nations.

She emphasized that such collaborations would contribute significantly to the growth and development of the sport.

Furthermore, Prime Minister Mottley disclosed that her government recently approved a loan of US $25 million for the refurbishment of the Kensington Oval.

This initiative aims to prepare the venue for the upcoming Cricket World Cup while also serving to bolster cricket development within Barbados.

Advocating for strategic investments in the Caribbean, Prime Minister Mottley asserted that such support would play a pivotal role in nurturing the talents of regional cricketers, ultimately enhancing the competitiveness of Caribbean teams on the international stage.

The AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment forum provides a platform for leaders and stakeholders from both regions to engage in constructive dialogue and explore opportunities for economic and social collaboration.