Human Development News

Amerindian Heritage Month Celebrated in Speightland with Cultural Showcase

Minister of Public Works, MINISTER JUAN (FILE PHOTO: NCN)

Amerindian Heritage Month celebrations are underway across Guyana, with several indigenous villages hosting events to showcase their rich cultural traditions.

Over the weekend, the Speightland community in Linden, Region 10, marked its Heritage Day with a vibrant display of Amerindian culture, attended by Public Works Minister Juan Edghill.

The event featured a range of cultural presentations from villages such as St. Cuthbert’s Mission and Moraikoboi, highlighting the unique heritage of the Amerindian communities.

Minister Edghill, who participated in the festivities, delivered the feature address, emphasizing the government’s ongoing efforts to improve infrastructure and services in indigenous and remote areas.

In his speech, Minister Edghill outlined the strides made to enhance accessibility in Amerindian communities, including advancements in information technology, specialized healthcare, electricity supply, and training.

He emphasized that the government is committed to supporting these communities and ensuring that they benefit from the broader national transformation efforts.

The Heritage Day celebrations were organized by the Community Development Council with support from corporate entities in Linden.

The event aimed to celebrate Amerindian culture, showcasing traditional foods, crafts, and performances that reflect the way of life of the indigenous people.

Amerindian Heritage Month continues to be a significant time for recognizing and celebrating the contributions of the indigenous population to Guyana’s cultural landscape.

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