Local Development Low Carbon Development News

Agriculture Ministry’s Drainage Initiatives Boost Pomeroon Farmers’ Productivity

Farmers in the Pomeroon region are celebrating increased production, thanks to drainage and irrigation works undertaken by the Agriculture Ministry.

Before government intervention, both lower and upper Pomeroon farmers faced severe flooding due to constant high tides. In response to residents’ and farmers’ requests, the Agriculture Ministry initiated dredging of the Pomeroon River mouth and implemented drainage structures.


Beneficiary Wray Da Silva shared his experience of heightened productivity after the implementation of drainage and irrigation mechanisms.


Region Two Chairman, Vilma Da Silva, explained the effectiveness of block drainage in combating flooding and supporting farmers in the Pomeroon.

Contracts for the dredging of the Pomeroon River Mouth were signed in April 2022, and ongoing works aim to ensure the continued livelihoods of farmers. The interventions have not only alleviated flooding issues but have also significantly contributed to the agricultural productivity of the region.

This success story highlights the importance of targeted infrastructure projects in enhancing the resilience and prosperity of farming communities.

Reported by Saskia Warrick for NCN News

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