Local Development News

Agriculture Minister Engages Farmers in Region Five

Agriculture Minister Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha meeting with farmers and residents of Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice (Ministry of Agriculture).

During a visit to Region Five over the weekend, the Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, met with farmers in Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice, to address their concerns and challenges.

The Guyana Livestock Development Authority’s efforts to develop cattle pastures were highlighted, aiming to support cattle rearing in the region.

Farmers expressed their concerns about access to grazing lands for their cattle, as well as issues related to cattle entering rice fields, leading to significant losses.

In response, the Ministry’s sub-agencies are planning to implement new programs that will work alongside farmers to modernize their plots and implement climate-smart agriculture practices.

Minister Mustapha assured the farmers that since the government assumed office in 2020, there has been a notable increase in agricultural activities in Guyana to enhance the food system.

He also mentioned plans to develop 5,000 acres of pastures, benefiting farmers in the region. Additionally, a 65-acre plot will be designated for small-scale farmers in the coming year.

Furthermore, the Ministry is working on establishing a Germplasm Facility to provide farmers with essential planting materials, supporting large-scale production of various fruits and vegetables.

This initiative aligns with the government’s goal to reduce the regional food import bill.

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