Business and Economy Human Development News

AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum: Fostering Business Networks and Partnerships

The recently concluded AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum held at the Marriott Hotel provided a vital platform for businesses to establish networks and connect with a diverse range of entities.

Exhibitors who participated in this year’s proceedings attested to the forum’s efficacy in facilitating meaningful connections.

The primary objective of the AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum was to bolster relations between the private sectors of Africa and the Caribbean, ultimately advancing trade and investment opportunities between the two regions.

This year’s event saw a vibrant mix of local and international exhibitors from various industries, including manufacturing, energy, and agriculture, showcasing their products and services.

In interviews with NCN Guyana, representatives from participating entities commended the initiative, emphasizing its role in creating avenues for bilateral partnerships, fostering the growth of small businesses, and promoting private sector cooperation, among other benefits.

Dario Pile, Research Officer at Export Barbados, described the event as a unique opportunity, emphasizing the value it brings to businesses in the aftermath of the forum.

William Castro, a representative from the International Trade Centre, expressed optimism about the potential impact on businesses, highlighting the significant number of participants in attendance.

Peter Ramsaroop, Chief Investment Officer at Guyana Invest, underscored the importance of the relationships being forged through the forum, emphasizing the collaborative spirit necessary to drive progress.

The second annual AfriCaribbean Trade and Investment Forum, hosted by the Government of Guyana in partnership with the African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank), centered around the theme “Creating a Shared Prosperous Future”.

The forum’s overarching aim was to elevate the relationship between Africa and the Caribbean from one rooted in cultural history to a dynamic platform for economic opportunity and development.

This event marks a significant step forward in strengthening ties between the two regions and fostering a mutually beneficial environment for trade and investment.

Reported by Trichell Sobers for NCN Guyana

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