Acting Traffic Chief Emphasizes Road Safety Education and Attitude Shift
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Acting Traffic Chief Emphasizes Road Safety Education and Attitude Shift

In addressing the concerns about road safety, Acting Traffic Chief, Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh, advocates for a focus on education and a shift in attitude rather than implementing more stringent processes for acquiring driver’s licenses.

Senior Superintendent Mahendra Singh emphasizes that road safety education should commence within the home and the closest family circle.

While acknowledging the responsibilities of schools, the government, and the police force, Singh stresses the crucial role of parents in working with their children from a young age to instill proper road usage and safety habits.

Singh, in a studio interview, expresses his belief that responsibility lies with both individuals and society.

He highlights the need for continued efforts to shape attitudes, character, and responsibility, considering these as crucial elements in reducing road accidents in the country.

According to Singh, there is no necessity for additional restrictions or more stringent processes to obtain a driver’s license.

Instead, he emphasizes the importance of a collective shift in attitude among the people. Singh believes that cultivating a responsible mindset is essential, starting from within each individual.

In the coming year, the Guyana Police Force plans to intensify awareness programs, with a particular focus on road users aged between 18 and 42, identified as the demographic most prone to traffic accidents according to statistics.

Parents and citizens are encouraged to recognize the significance of this issue and actively contribute to education initiatives aimed at reducing accidents on the country’s roadways.

Fabiana Mcklmon reporting for NCN NEWS.