Government Enhances Police Powers to Combat Gender-Based Violence
Human Development News

Government Enhances Police Powers to Combat Gender-Based Violence

In a concerted effort to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV) in Guyana, the government has introduced significant reforms aimed at empowering law enforcement.

At a recent symposium held at the Arthur Chung Conference Centre, Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, outlined the critical changes being implemented to enhance the police’s capacity to effectively manage cases of domestic violence.

One of the key developments is the enactment of the new Family Violence Act, which addresses previous shortcomings in the legal framework.

This legislation establishes both criminal and civil remedies for domestic violence, allowing for a more comprehensive response to such incidents.

Under the new provisions, police officers have been granted expanded powers to investigate, intervene, and take action in cases of domestic violence.

These powers include the ability to arrest and detain individuals suspected of being abusers, as well as granting bail and entering premises without warrants.

This shift enables law enforcement to treat incidents of domestic violence with the seriousness they warrant.

The Attorney General also emphasized the importance of training for police officers who handle sensitive GBV cases.

The government is taking steps to establish specialized units within each police station dedicated to dealing with domestic violence.

This includes developing structured documentation and reporting processes to ensure that cases are managed effectively.

Recognizing the prevalence of gender-based violence is deemed essential in confronting this societal issue.

By enhancing police powers and creating structured responses, the government aims to provide better support for victims and hold offenders accountable for their actions.

These initiatives reflect the government’s commitment to tackling gender-based violence, ensuring that victims receive necessary assistance and that perpetrators face appropriate legal consequences.