Two Million Pounds of Ginger Harvest Expected in February
Low Carbon Development News

Two Million Pounds of Ginger Harvest Expected in February

A significant harvest of approximately two million pounds of ginger is anticipated in February, according to Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha.

As part of Guyana’s focus on improving value chains and generating more income for farmers, Region One has been designated as the spice region with over 300 acres of ginger and 100 acres of turmeric under cultivation.

The project aims not only to meet local demand but also to cater to the spice demands of Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, and St. Vincent and the Grenadines.

These regions have shown a high demand for spices, and Guyana seeks to establish buying agreements with them.

Minister Mustapha also highlighted the expansion of the coconut industry, with over 500 farmers contributing to its growth, resulting in a significant increase of over 6500 acres.

Additionally, a collaboration with USAID on coconut, cherries, and turmeric expansion, involving a $5.3 million investment, is expected to boost production of fruits and vegetables, enhance marketing linkages, and contribute to regional development.

This initiative reflects ongoing efforts to diversify and strengthen Guyana’s agricultural sector while fostering regional partnerships.