Vice President Jagdeo Addresses Old Age Pension Increase
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Vice President Jagdeo Addresses Old Age Pension Increase

Vice President Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo has announced that old age pension in Guyana will reach $41,000 by 2025, aligning with the PPP’s manifesto promise.

This announcement follows criticism from the opposition regarding the $3,000 increase announced for this year.

Dr. Jagdeo emphasized significant differences between the actions of the PPP and the previous APNU/AFC government concerning pensioners.

He recalled that in 2014, the old age pension was $13,125, with the coalition promising to double it in their first year in office in 2015.

However, they not only failed to fulfill this promise but also did not double the pension during their five-year tenure.

Upon the PPP’s return to office in 2020, the old age pension had increased to $20,500, reflecting a total increase of $7,375 over five years.

Dr. Jagdeo assured that, contrary to the APNU/AFC, the PPP would deliver on its 2020 manifesto promise to double the old age pension within five years.

In addition to raising the pension, the government, under Dr. Jagdeo’s leadership, has provided one-off cash grants to pensioners over the past three years.

They have also reinstated the water subsidy removed by the previous coalition. Dr. Jagdeo highlighted ongoing efforts to restore the subsidy on electricity for pensioners.