Youths in Mocha Embrace Skills Training Opportunities
Human Development Local Development News

Youths in Mocha Embrace Skills Training Opportunities

Following a commitment made by President Irfaan Ali during a recent outreach to Mocha Arcadia, East Bank Demerara, several young people from the community have registered for skills training programs facilitated by the government through the Board of Industrial Training (BIT).

This initiative was part of an engagement with three ministers and government officials.

Ministers Sonia Parag, Kwame McCoy, and Deodat Indar interacted with the youths, discussing various skills training and employment opportunities available to them.

Minister McCoy encouraged the young people to take advantage of these opportunities for personal growth and the betterment of their community.

During the engagement at Mocha Primary School, scores of young people expressed interest in skills training and participating in a concrete block-making project within the community.

Many welcomed the chance for personal and community development.

Residents emphasized the positive impact these opportunities could have on the lives of the youths and the overall transformation of the Mocha community.

The engagement is part of a broader effort by the government to empower young people with valuable skills and create avenues for sustainable employment.

Mocha has received various government interventions and support in agriculture, infrastructure, and skills training for women, highlighting a comprehensive approach to community development.