Gail Teixeira Disputes Widespread Corruption Allegations in Guyana Government
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Gail Teixeira Disputes Widespread Corruption Allegations in Guyana Government

During a year-end press conference, Gail Teixeira, the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance, has refuted claims of widespread corruption within the Guyana government.

Teixeira emphasized that the existing anti-corruption framework in the country is effective and challenged the opposition to substantiate their corruption allegations with evidence.

Teixeira highlighted the importance of presenting facts, asserting that unfounded claims without concrete evidence are baseless.

Drawing from her experience in the opposition, Teixeira recalled working to expose corruption in the previous government, utilizing the same framework that is currently in place.

While acknowledging that there were cases where findings led to criminal proceedings during her time in the opposition, Teixeira underscored the need for evidence to support corruption allegations.

She emphasized that without proper documentation and proof, accusations lack credibility.

Despite the denial of widespread corruption, Teixeira stated that the government is actively working on strengthening collaboration mechanisms between the Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs and Governance and other agencies focused on anti-corruption and governance.

As part of this initiative, the government is establishing a National Coordinating Committee aligned with the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption and the United Nations Convention Against Corruption, both of which Guyana has signed onto.

As Guyana continues its efforts to combat corruption, Teixeira’s assertions and the ongoing initiatives underscore the government’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and effective governance.