Aquaculture Cage Project Expanding to Boost Rural Economies – Agriculture Minister Provides Update
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Aquaculture Cage Project Expanding to Boost Rural Economies – Agriculture Minister Provides Update

The Aquaculture Cage project, currently thriving in Mainstay, Capoey, and Mashabo, is set to extend its impact to other parts of the country, particularly in rural areas, according to the latest update on the project from Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha.

The ongoing project, focused on Tambaqui and Tilapia production, has shown promising results in the mentioned communities, prompting plans for expansion to generate revenues in additional rural areas.

Minister Mustapha revealed that while the cages have already been received, the implementation in other regions awaits the arrival of the necessary mesh.

The Agriculture Minister emphasized the production of fingerling fish at the Satyadeow Sawh Aquaculture Station, intending to distribute them to farmers.

The Ministry of Agriculture is on a mission to fully develop aquaculture, treating it with the same significance as crops and livestock farming.

The government believes that such development will lead to agricultural diversification, subsequently improving food security, increasing the availability of high-value protein food, and providing environmental benefits.

As the project progresses, it aligns with the government’s vision for a diversified and sustainable agriculture sector.