Guyanese Demonstrate Patriotism Amidst Venezuela’s Threats
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Guyanese Demonstrate Patriotism Amidst Venezuela’s Threats

Despite threats from Venezuela, Guyanese citizens are actively demonstrating patriotism and asserting ownership of the Essequibo region.

The peaceful expressions of nationalism include Peace Marches, educational campaigns, and the distribution of bumper stickers across the country.

Residents of the Essequibo region, specifically Port Kaituma, organized a Peace Walk in collaboration with Community Policing Group Members and youth groups.

This demonstration aims to emphasize Guyanese unity and patriotism, particularly in response to Venezuela’s planned December 3 referendum and any potential aggression.

The border controversy between Guyana and Venezuela is currently before the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Guyana seeks a final, binding settlement affirming the validity of the 1899 Arbitral Award, which established the existing boundary.

While the ruling may take years, Venezuela’s threats to annex the Essequibo based on the referendum response prompted Guyana to urgently seek provisional measures from the ICJ.

Guyana anticipates a ruling on its request for provisional measures before December 3.

Meanwhile, the president and other ministers are actively involved in public education initiatives, reaching out to communities in the Essequibo region.

Venezuela has long asserted claims to the Essequibo region, constituting more than two-thirds of Guyana’s territory.

In October, the Maduro regime escalated tensions by deploying additional troops to the border, increasing both military personnel and exercises.