Small Business Bureau Recognizes Outstanding Businesses at Annual Awards Ceremony
Business and Economy Human Development News

Small Business Bureau Recognizes Outstanding Businesses at Annual Awards Ceremony

In a celebration of entrepreneurial success, the Small Business Bureau (SBB) hosted its annual awards ceremony, recognizing 21 small businesses for their outstanding performances in various fields of commerce.

The annual small business awards ceremony is designed not only to acknowledge excellence but also to foster growth and boost morale among micro and small businesses.

Through incentives, the SBB aims to encourage adherence to standards, creating a conducive environment for these businesses to thrive.

Speaking at the ceremony, Mohamed Shazim Ibrahim, the CEO of the Small Business Bureau, encouraged the awardees to persist in their entrepreneurial journey.

Cordell McClure, Communications Manager of the Ministry of Tourism, Industry, and Commerce, also addressed the audience, reiterating the government’s commitment to supporting small businesses.

He emphasized the vision of small businesses utilizing available resources to explore larger markets and generate greater revenue and employment opportunities.

Fabiana Mcklmon reporting for NCN NEWS.