Guyana Presents Evidence of Venezuelan Military Aggression to ICJ, Seeks Halt to December 3 Referendum
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Guyana Presents Evidence of Venezuelan Military Aggression to ICJ, Seeks Halt to December 3 Referendum

In a crucial development at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), Guyana’s legal representative, Paul Reichler, presented evidence of military aggression by Venezuela and called on the court to urgently implement provisional measures, including halting the upcoming December 3 referendum.

Reichler argued that Venezuela’s referendum is a crucial part of its plan to breach international obligations, particularly the rejection of the 1899 arbitral award, disregard for the ICJ, and the annexation of Guyana’s Essequibo region.

He emphasized that the referendum is a clear indication of Venezuela’s intentions and poses a serious threat to Guyana’s territorial integrity.

The legal representative went through each question in the December 3 referendum, providing statements from the Venezuelan government demonstrating their intent to ignore the ICJ to the detriment of Guyana.

Additionally, Reichler presented written statements, videos, and audio recordings showing Venezuela’s military aggression, including the construction of an airstrip intended as a logistical support point for the development of Essequibo.

Despite the ongoing military preparations, Reichler reminded the court of its jurisdiction and the opportunity to prevent the intended annexations, as they have not yet taken place.

He highlighted Guyana’s contrasting approach, asserting that Guyana has taken no action to disrespect the court, and instead seeks provisional measures to prevent irreparable harm to its national territory, particularly the Essequibo.

This development marks a critical juncture in the ongoing dispute between Guyana and Venezuela, with Guyana actively seeking legal recourse to protect its sovereignty.