Fallen Heroes Honored on Remembrance Day in Region 10

Fallen Heroes Honored on Remembrance Day in Region 10

In a solemn ceremony, Region 10 observed Remembrance Day on Sunday, November 12, honoring the memory of more than 700 British Guianese officers and soldiers who courageously fought in Egypt, France, Belgium, and East Africa during World Wars I and II.

The traditional wreath-laying ceremony at the Cenotaph served as a poignant tribute to the brave soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice for peace and freedom.

Regional Chairman Deron Adams, in his remarks, highlighted the significance of the international affair, providing an opportunity for reflection on the tragedies of war while paying homage to the fallen service men.

The annual observance not only commemorates the sacrifices of the past but also serves as a constant motivation to strive for peaceful resolutions to conflicts, according to Chairman Adams.

The wreath-laying ceremony witnessed representatives from various entities, including the Regional Democratic Council, the Linden Municipality, the Guyana Defense Force, the Guyana Police Force, and the Guyana Fire Service, paying their respects at the War Memorial on Republic Avenue.

This touching acknowledgment honors the legacy of the 700 British Guianese officers and soldiers who played a pivotal role in the theaters of Egypt, France, Belgium, and East Africa, exemplifying the relentless pursuit of peace and freedom during times of global conflict.