Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association Advocates for Teenage Pregnancy Awareness
Human Development News

Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association Advocates for Teenage Pregnancy Awareness

The Guyana Responsible Parenthood Association (GRPA) is intensifying its call for increased efforts in educating the public to address the pervasive issue of teenage pregnancy.

Teenage pregnancy is a global challenge, with well-documented causes and far-reaching consequences, affecting the health, social, and economic aspects of society. Kobe Smith, the Acting Director at GRPA, emphasized that this issue continues to be a significant concern in Guyana.

According to Smith, the Pan-American Health Organization reports that adolescent pregnancy accounts for a substantial 20 to 25% of all pregnancies in Guyana, underscoring the urgency of addressing and preventing this high rate.

Smith is advocating for a multi-pronged approach involving heightened awareness campaigns, targeted education initiatives, and the dissemination of accurate information to empower young individuals to make responsible decisions.

Moreover, Smith stresses the need for comprehensive community involvement, family engagement, and parental education.

He highlights the importance of inclusivity, emphasizing that adolescent pregnancy is not solely a girls’ or women’s issue, but rather a societal concern that necessitates the collective efforts of all community members, including men and boys.

In 2013, Guyana recorded the second-highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the region, with 97 out of every 1,000 girls aged 15 to 19 giving birth.

Since then, the government has collaborated with various international agencies and healthcare organizations to combat this critical issue.

Despite concerted efforts, teenage pregnancy remains a persistent challenge, underscoring the ongoing need for public awareness and action.