Government Urges Reporting of Corrupt Practices in Projects
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Government Urges Reporting of Corrupt Practices in Projects

General Secretary of the PPP/C, Dr. Bharat Jagdeo, has urged citizens to promptly report any suspected corrupt practices between government officials and contractors in Guyana.

Given the substantial number of government projects underway, effective monitoring can be challenging, and there is recognition that instances of corruption may arise.

Dr. Jagdeo emphasized the government’s commitment to exposing and combating corruption within the Irfaan Ali-led administration.

He also highlighted the issue of middlemen promising house lots, noting the difficulty in apprehending culprits if reports are delayed.

Dr. Jagdeo stressed the importance of immediate reporting, enabling authorities to conduct sting operations when necessary.

The PPP/C is actively engaged in efforts to enhance Guyana’s infrastructure and ensure equal opportunities for all citizens.