Lack of Fire Safety Measures Revealed in Mahdia COI Testimonies

Lack of Fire Safety Measures Revealed in Mahdia COI Testimonies

During the fifth sitting of the Mahdia Dorm Fire Commission of Inquiry, testimonies from Dorm Mother Carlet Williams and Former Security Guard Denise Holland highlighted a severe lack of proper fire prevention and safety measures in the Mahdia Secondary School and dormitory.

Carlet Williams, aged 41, informed the commission that there was only one fire extinguisher available on the tragic night of May 22, which claimed the lives of 19 girls and her 5-year-old son.

She stated that due to a lack of training, she was unable to use the fire extinguisher and instead attempted to unlock the dorm doors to free the students inside.

Unfortunately, her efforts were in vain as she was overcome by smoke and lost consciousness.

Williams revealed that neither she nor any of the staff received fire prevention and safety training at the school or in the dormitories.

Denise Holland, a former employee of RK Guard Service, also stated that she had never received fire prevention and safety training from her employer.

However, her past work experiences enabled her to take action on the night of the fire.

Both Williams and Holland testified that they had no access to a contact number for the Mahdia Fire Station during the fire.

It was later revealed that Officer in Command of Mahdia Fire Station at the time, Ryan Scott, had provided the school with his personal cell number for emergencies.

Subsequently, two dedicated mobile numbers for the Mahdia Fire Station were acquired.

These testimonies shed light on the critical need for improved fire safety measures and training in educational institutions and dormitories to prevent future tragedies.