Vanessa Hyderkhan: A Mother and Farmer Nurturing Self-Sufficiency

Vanessa Hyderkhan: A Mother and Farmer Nurturing Self-Sufficiency

As Agriculture Month unfolds throughout October, it serves as a poignant reminder of the pivotal role played by farmers and the significance of agricultural practices in our communities.

This week, we spotlight Vanessa Hyderkhan, a remarkable mother of eight, who relies on farming to sustain her household.

Female farmers like Vanessa often juggle numerous responsibilities, seamlessly transitioning between roles of caregiver, mother, and provider for their families.

Vanessa has been exemplifying this dedication for over a decade, skillfully balancing her farming endeavors with her commitments as a mother.

Vanessa’s journey into subsistence farming initially began as a means to contribute towards owning her own home.

She explains, “Myself and my husband, we were planning to build the house in the background and we knew it was going to be financially strenuous… So, we decided to start to plant some cash crops to supplement the money.”

Over the years, Vanessa honed her techniques, expanding her farming operations and witnessing significant personal growth. “I’ve grown significantly… I have grown,” she proudly affirms.

Adapting to changing weather conditions, Vanessa diversified her farming activities to include livestock and poultry rearing. “For the last two years, the weather has changed… So I decided to start raising chicken and pigs,” she explains.

Despite minor challenges, such as fluctuations in feed prices, Vanessa leverages her produce not only to provide for her family but also to generate a sustainable income. She is an advocate for more individuals to consider agriculture as a path towards self-sufficiency.

Vanessa Hyderkhan’s story is a testament to the resilience and resourcefulness of women in agriculture.

Her dedication not only empowers her family but also contributes to the wider community’s understanding of the vital role played by farmers.