Government To Action New Initiative to Boost Mathematics Pass Rates
National Transformation News

Government To Action New Initiative to Boost Mathematics Pass Rates

In a bid to address the persistently low pass rates in mathematics, the Ministry of Education is formulating a comprehensive strategy. This development was announced by President Dr. Irfaan Ali, who stated that the plan will be put into action within the next two weeks.

During this year’s National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA), 15,360 candidates participated, achieving a pass rate of 39.87 percent in mathematics. Similarly, in the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) examinations administered by the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC), the pass rate for mathematics stood at 34 percent.

Despite generally commendable academic performance on a regional scale, Guyana has faced challenges in attaining satisfactory outcomes in mathematics over several years. President Ali believes that by providing additional classroom hours dedicated to mathematics instruction, students at all levels will be better equipped to excel in future examinations.

The government is also considering the integration of artificial intelligence into mathematics education to enhance learning outcomes.

Furthermore, for students seeking to matriculate at CSEC, a minimum of five subjects must be passed, including mathematics and English. This requirement holds significant weight in both employment opportunities and university applications.

The new initiative is poised to play a pivotal role in bolstering mathematics proficiency across all tiers of the education system, paving the way for a more robust academic foundation in the subject.