Labour Minister Urges Emancipation Celebration with Focus on Education and Development
Human Development News One Guyana

Labour Minister Urges Emancipation Celebration with Focus on Education and Development

As Guyana prepares to celebrate Emancipation from slavery, Labour Minister Joseph Hamilton delivered a poignant message, encouraging citizens to free their minds through education and self-development.

He emphasized the significance of focusing on developmental pursuits and leaving distractions behind, particularly those found on social media.

Minister Hamilton, addressing the younger generation and all present at the Emancipation Programme held at the Ministry of Labour, urged people, especially those of African descent, to rise above foolishness and instead focus on endeavors that uplift themselves and their communities.

He expressed hope that the current generation would not disappoint those who came before them in the struggle for emancipation.

In the spirit of investment, the Minister urged parents to make wise choices in nurturing their children’s growth and future.

He challenged the notion that material possessions like smartphones or gaming consoles constitute the best gifts for children. Instead, he emphasized that the greatest gift parents can give their children is the promise of a better life and opportunities for personal growth.

The Emancipation Programme was marked with vibrant celebrations, including freedom dances, drumming, and spoken word performances, all symbolizing the triumph over historical oppression.

As a special highlight, an award was presented to Ms. Gillian Burton for her outstanding display of cultural pride, dressing in traditional Ghanaian jewelry and a beautiful African print.

The Emancipation celebration serves as a reminder of the resilience and strength of the ancestors who fought for freedom from slavery.

Minister Hamilton’s message emphasizes the importance of continuing that legacy through education, personal development, and a commitment to building a brighter future for all Guyanese.